Sabtu, 31 Maret 2012

"Pendidikan Budaya dan Karakter" (Hukuman Berat deh)

  1. Religius
  2. Jujur
  3. Toleransi 
  4. Disiplin
  5. Kerja Keras
  6. Kreatif
  7. Mandiri
  8. Demokratis
  9. Rasa ingin tahu
  10. Semangat Kebangsaan
  11. Cinta Tanah Air
  12. Menghargai Prestasi
  13. Bersahabat/ Komunikatif
  14. Cinta Damai
  15. Gemar Membaca
  16. Peduli  Lingkungan
  17. Peduli Sosial
  18. Tanggung Jawab

Kamis, 29 Maret 2012

Endless Love


In this time, i would like to posting about Endless Love..

YES! Absolutely, Endless love is the saddest korean drama ever -.-"

My tears always falling down when i watch this.. :"(


Song Seung Hun as Jin Xi (Cantonese: Jeun Hei) 

Wong Bin as Tai Xi (Cantonese: Tai Chi) 

Song Hye Kyo as En Xi (Cantonese: Yunn Hei)

Other Characters: 

Xin Ai (Cantonese: Sum Ngoi) 

Mama and Papa Wun 

Yin Xi's biological mother 

You Mei

En Xi and Jin Xi grew up believing they were blood siblings in a well-off family in Korea. They both seemed to have it all, with Jin Xi being a talented painter with plenty of girls vying for his affection in high school and with En Xi having the brains and the personality to be popular enough to be elected class representative. En Xi had what you'd call an "adolescent nemesis" in the form of Xin Ai, a girl in her class who had always been evilly jealous of En Xi because she was rich, smart, and popular, and had the protection of handsome older brother Jin Xi. However, an accident that injured En Xi when she was 14 revealed the truth: En Xi and Xin Ai had been accidentally switched at birth. Now the melodrama begins.

After what I believe is the most tragic part of the story (instead of the over-the-top love stuff) where En Xi and Xin Ai are returned to their respective actual families, the romance stuff begins. After around 8 or 9 years, En Xi and Jin Xi encounter each other again and realize that they've developed feelings for each other. However, both repress their feelings knowing their parents would oppose, and also because each has a lover in their life already. Jin Xi is engaged to You Mei whom he met at university, and En Xi had just "accepted" the love offered by Tai Xi.

Tai Xi and You Mei both figure out that En Xi and Jin Xi are not actually blood siblings and are in love. However, each tries to cling onto their lover. Tai Xi, in a noble way. First continually supporting and selflessly loving En Xi. You Mei, in an annoying way. She clings to Jin Xi as if he's the only man left on the planet and forces him to stay with her by threatening to commit suicide and lying about her injured arm. En Xi and Jin Xi finally acknowledge their love and "elope", much to the sorrow of Tai Xi and You Mei and to the vehement opposition of their parents and Xin Ai. However, they decide to not be together and return so that they don't hurt Tai Xi, You Mei, and their parents.

What's an Asian drama without a terminal illness? That's right, En Xi is diagnosed with leukemia and has only months to live. Of course, she hides this from Jin Xi who is just about to leave to immigrate to the US with You Mei. All hell breaks loose when the parents, family, You Mei, and especially Jin Xi find out about En Xi's illness, and Jin Xi rushes to the hospital as En Xi is wheeled into ER yelling "Hsa Ra E, Yun Seyo!" ("I Love You, En Xi!"). Jin Xi then gets back together with En Xi, dumping You Mei in the process when he finds out that she lied to him about her injured arm. Tai Xi looks on sadly, because En Xi does not have that many months to go, since they couldn't find a blood match for her.

So what happens at the end? En Xi dies. Jin Xi is devastated and as he walks on the street after her funeral and is overwhelmed by memories of her, he is run over by a car and is reunited with En Xi.

Jumat, 23 Maret 2012

Winter Sonata

Cast :

The story begins when Jun-Sang, the son of an eminent musician, moves to Chuncheon, a rural city in South Korea. As an extraordinarily talented student, Jun-Sang is welcomed by his fellow students as well as teachers, but remains a quiet, introverted young man. He insisted to move to this provincial area to find his biological father, whom his mother claimed dead. Having an identity crisis in adolescence, regarding finding his father, and conflict with his mother, Jun-Sang believes that no one truly loves him.
One day on the ride to school, Jun-Sang's classmate Yoo-Jin interrupts him on the bus. Jun-Sang soon falls in love with Yoo-Jin, who opens herself to him with an innocent heart. Their love, however, is cut short after Jun-Sang is involved in a serious auto-accident and, due to brain damage, is unable to recall his past life.
Jun-Sang's mother, desiring Jun-Sang's love and respect, has Jun-Sang brainwashed by a psychologist, so that Jun-Sang will not remember his painful childhood, as an illegitimate child. As a result, Jun-Sang's memories prior to the accident are erased. Jun-Sang's mother decides to move to the United States with Jun-Sang, where he can start a new life under the identity of lee Min-Hyeong. His friends and teachers are told that Jun-Sang is dead.
Ten years later, Min-Hyeong is an award-winning architect in the United States. He does not remember anything about his life in Korea. He is completely different, an open-minded person who cares about other people, including his mother. He returns to Korea and Yoo-Jin sees him on the street, prompting her to put off her engagement to childhood friend Sang-Hyeok. Little does she know that Min-Hyeong is dating her friend and sometime rival Che-Rin. The story's plot intensifies when Yu-Jin begins work at the firm where Min-Hyeong is employed, and tries to find out if he is her lost lover Jun-Sang.

Jumat, 16 Maret 2012

" Boys Before Flower "

Hai guys, finally i can post my favorite korean drama, Boys before flower.. ^^ this is reinforced by its lee min hoo there as the main actor in this film.. :)
he is really handsomeeeee.. He makes my heart beat faster.. LOL.. 

The series became a huge hit, creating another Korean wave throughout Asia and the cast members shooting to super-stardom overnight. After the series ended, several of the actors and actresses became the faces of various endorsements and commercial advertisements.
In an interview with Jang Geun Suk, actor of the successful drama You're Beautiful, it was said that he was first offered the leading role, instead of Lee Min Ho. Geun Suk declined, and instead, took on the role in Beethoven Virus that offered him the award for Best New Actor.
Boys Over Flowers became a hit throughout South Korea during its broadcast, to the point of influencing the behaviour of the public. The drama series influenced men to take their appearances even more seriously and try to gain the "pretty boy" image that existed among the F4 characters in the drama. More South Korean males started to wear cosmetics and viewers in South Korea and beyond started to notice the overseas filming locations of the drama as possible holiday destinations.
The series became a hit beyond South Korea in other states in Asia, including ThailandJapanVietnamSingaporeNepalPhilippines, the northeast Indian state of SikkimNagalandMizoram and Taiwan, amongst others, and the actors and actresses that played the main characters shot to super-stardom, and held various events, often Boys Over Flowers-related, across Asia. The show is credited with launching the career of its lead actor, Lee Min Ho, who had previously appeared in a small number of low budget high school dramas

Jan Di is the headstrong daughter of a dry cleaner. While on a delivery run to Shinhwa High School, she saves a bullied student from committing suicide. Jan Di is offered a scholarship to attend the prestigious school, and ends up getting on the bad side of Gu Jun Pyo.
Jun Pyo is the leader of F4 (the most popular guy at Shinhwa High) and heir to the Shinhwa Conglomerate. He torments Jan Di after she stands up to his bullying ways, but ends up falling for her instead. In the end of the drama, he was portrayed proposing to Jan Di. He was involved in a hostage incident that caused his "amnesia".
Ji Hoo is a member of F4 and grandson of the Korean former-president. His musical talent catches Jan Di's attention and she begins to develop feelings for him. In the end, he developed feelings for her. He was involved in a car accident which leaves him the only survivor for his both parents have died in the accident. He has a "Driving Phobia" due to the accident.
Yi Jeong is known as F4's Casanova. He is a skilled potter and his family owns the country's biggest art museum. He eventually changed his Casanova ways as he realized that he is in love with Chu Ga Eul ( Kim So Eun, Jan Di's best friend )
Woo Bin is F4's other playboy. His family runs a large construction company and has important connections to an underground organization, hinted to be the mafias.
Jan Di's best friend and works with her at the porridge shop. She eventually told So Yi Jung that she liked him.
Shin Hwa School is a school for rich people, attended by Goo Jun Pyo, the heir of the global corporation Shin Hwa Group, Yoon Ji Hoo, So Yi Jeong, and Song Woo Bin which form a gang called F4. Jun Pyo, the leader of F4, is the main ruffian.
Geum Jan Di, who is not from rich family, ends up attending Shin Hwa School when she saves a boy from jumping off the rooftop and is given a scholarship to quiet down all the publicity the incident has caused. The entire school worships the F4 except for Jan Di. However, she holds a certain soft spot for Yoon Ji Hoo, who appears to be different from the other three. Jan Di finally speaks up against F4 to defend her friend, Oh Min Ji. From then on, she becomes Jun Pyo's main rival. Almost every time Jan Di is bullied, she is helped by Ji Hoo in some way. Jan Di and Jun Pyo's rivalry intensifies, but at the same time it is a source of amusement for him as Jan Di has now caught his attention.
The story develops and Jun Pyo slowly starts falling for Jan Di. On the other hand, Jan Di's attention is on Ji Hoo, her savior, but ultimately, as the story progresses, her heart is with Jun Pyo. The couple faces many obstacles as they continue to struggle for their love, but eventually they find their way back to each other.